Why I formed Kumara Lloyd Associates

Having spent most of my working life in two large organisations, I made the decision to branch out on my own by forming an independent consultancy. This is something that I feel strongly about and have wanted to do for a while. In my first blog I explain why I am doing this.

In my sales/business analyst work I have found something that I enjoy doing, am good at and want to get even better at. I am passionate about unlocking the potential of sales systems and using analytics to gain lucrative insights from data.


The main reason for forming Kumara Lloyd Associates is that I am convinced that as independent consultants, we are the best provider of these services because we are able to focus one hundred per cent on the needs of our clients.  


We want to achieve an effortless collaboration with our clients to achieve a clear vision for their business.  Whilst I do not necessarily expect this to all happen immediately; this is our medium term aim.


Being impartial and independent will widen the variety of work we do. Working for multiple clients in different industries will give us a much broader knowledge and perspective. Flexibility in who we work for, what projects to get involved in and when, is also valuable to us. 


Having worked in a corporate environment for 25 years I have gained a deep insight of corporate culture and issues.  Our innovative business model will enable our clients to profit from a true partnership and this diverse perspective will be invaluable when looking at their needs.


Finally using these insights, I have some exciting ideas of how we can enhance and expand our new business model in the field of data/business analysis; which I will discuss as things develop in later blogs.

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    Godard Abel (Saturday, 09 March 2013 20:20)

    Your vision makes sense and based on our 15+ years in enterprise software and CRM, I agree that many companies need help in formulating and executing effective CRM strategies. Most companies do not get to their desired level of adoption, and hence do not get the analytic and forecasting insights they envision when selecting a CRM system.

  • #2

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